Reading is like soul food for me, it helps me shift my thinking, challenge my beliefs and grow both personally and professionally.
To access some free tips and hacks reading has taught me along the way, please click the image below:
In addition, I’ve shortlisted the 5 most powerful and profound books that have helped me learn how to change behaviour. Click on each image to learn more about the title, how it helped me develop and how it can help you too. Enjoy!
The Road Less Travelled, by M. Scott Peck
This is a legendary book in which psychotherapist M. Scott Peck attempts - very successfully in my view - to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. With a host of real life examples, The Road Less Travelled is the perfect self help book for those not into self help. Read more...
Matthew Syed was three times Commonwealth table-tennis champion. I saw him speak at an event once and was mesmerised. His book tackles the age old nurture vs nature argument where he challenges the notion that one is born ‘gifted or genius’. In Bounce, Syed argues that with practice and the right environment anyone can become an expert. This aligns with the Growth Mindset philosophy which has recently taken hold within organisations and mindset work. Read more...
Tools of Titans, by Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss is a successful author, blogger, entrepreneur and speaker. He is most famous for his book “The 4-Hour Workweek”. He also has a fantastic podcast series where he interviews various extremely successful people from all walks of life, from musicians, to authors, sports people, entertainers, entrepreneurs and more. Tools Of Titans is a compilation of the habits, routines and daily rituals of the world’s top performers, including Brene Brown, Jamie Fox, Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin and Tony Robbins amongst others. It’s divided into three sections: health, wealth and wisdom. Read more...
The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle
With the recent rise in mindfulness and the practice of being ‘present’, I feel Eckhart Tolle’s book The Power of Now, published in 1997 was well ahead of its time. It’s a profound book that drew me in right away with this new concept of awareness and consciousness: the practice of detaching from our thoughts and living in the present moment. Simple, right? Well… yes and no! Read more...
Reinventing Organisations, by Frederic Laloux
From the earliest days of civilisation, people have organised themselves in various forms and structures in order to adapt to the complexity of the world around them. From family kinships to chiefdoms, states, industrialisation and the current technological revolution. Reinventing Organisations takes us on a journey through these different organisational structures and practices, described in colour format, bringing us bang up to date to the newly evolving Teal Organisation. A fascinating concept and one I’ve seen play out in various organisations already! Read more...
Are there any other books you would add to this list? Please comment below!