Tools of Titans

Tools of Titans

What I learned:

This was a tricky read in may ways. I often went from feeling entirely inadequate to stupendously inspired within seconds!  In saying that, there were some fantastic take-aways and practices I’ve used since reading it that have really worked for me, some of which are outlined below: 

  • Fear setting - an activity that enables you to work through the things holding you back from going for what you want, usually manifesting in procrastination or self depravation. 
  • The exercise of Daily Journalling - creating a space in the day to remember all the things you have to be grateful for and to appreciate all that you’ve achieved
  • "Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are” -  this was a phrase my parents loved saying, now I understand what they meant!  Surrounding yourself with people who lift you up rather than tear you down makes all the difference. It’s always worth having people around you that you admire, respect and who inspire you to be the best you can be. There is no room for those who nay say, reject or belittle your dreams.  If people don’t stack up in terms of standards, values and beliefs it may be time for a review
  • Meditation - 80% of the people featured practice mindfulness or meditation as a staple part of their daily routine. This is the one that I've struggled with the most and still do to this day
There are also a load of recommended books, podcasts, gadgets, apps, tools and more. It really is an encyclopedia of tips and tricks!

How it helped me as a leader:

Reading about some of the struggles, imperfections, self doubt and wins  of the "greats" has enabled me to help my clients keep focused, build self belief and offer insight into the connective tissue that links these people and their success. It also served to strengthen my conviction that opportunities are endless with a bit of passion, discipline and hard work. It’s up to us to grab them and make them happen. 

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